Akagera, Rwanda Ant course 2022
In 2022 the Afribugs team assisted in the running of the Akagera ant course which had participants from Kenya, DRC, Tanzania and Rwanda. This fantastic course was run over a week, where students were exposed to different sampling techniques as well as mounting and identification of ants.
A big thank you to the Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen for funding the course; special thanks to Dr. Wouter Dekoninck, Dr. Venuste Nsengimana and Kiko Gomez for organization and thanks to the other instructors Jairus Anale, Dr. Lombart M.M. Kouakou and the participants for a tremendous course.

Dorylus male caught flying around the community center.

In order left to right: Peter Hawkes, Venuste Nsengimana, Kiko Gomez excavating a Pheidole nest.

Participants and instructors.

Kiko Gomez and other instructors grabbing the chance to sample in Kigali before participants arrive.

Peter Hawkes demonstrating how to correctly install pitfall traps.