We have close links with AntWeb, which is hosted by the California Academy of Sciences and funded by the National Science Foundation (USA). We upload our ant collection database and associated images to this site in order to make our collection accessible. Regular uploads ensure that our data on AntWeb is current.

We are also collaborating with many researchers around the world on projects including:
Revision of the African ant genus Agraulomyrmex and its close relatives - a collaboration with John LaPolla (Towson University, Maryland, USA).
ANTSCAN - coordinated by Francisco Hita Garcia and Evan Economo at the Okinawa Institute of Technology. The aim is to use Micro-CT (x-ray microtomography) to provide high-resolution, 3D full anatomical datasets of all castes from all species used for genome sequencing by GAGA (the Global Ant Genome Alliance).
The National Science Foundation (USA) funded “Camponotine Ants and their Little Helpers: Phylogenomics of a Hyperdiverse Insect Clade and its Bacterial Endosymbionts (CAnBE)” - a collaboration coordinated by Jennifer Wernegreen (Duke University, Durham), Phil Ward (University of California at Davis), Brian Fisher (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco) and Bonnie Blaimer (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin).
The National Science Foundation (USA) funded “Collaborative Research: Ants of the World” - a collaboration coordinated by Brian Fisher (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco), Bonnie Blaimer (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin), Jack Longino (University of Utah, Salt Lake City) and Phil Ward (University of California at Davis), aimed at producing a comprehensive phylogeny of ants based on UCE (UltraConserved Elements) genomic techniques.